Better is Possible

There is a 'Momentum' going on with all of us, with every breath, with every heart beat, we are moving closer to our end. 

Better is possible. We can die and care for our dead better. We can face our cultural alienation from death head-on, and it starts with love - of our family and friends, of our communities, and of our earth. 

Rochelle Martin is a Registered Nurse with specialty certification in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. She holds a Master of Divinity degree from the University of Toronto, and has experience in emergency and acute psychiatry, palliative care, and spiritual care. 

Certified as a Death Midwife and Home Funeral-Care Guide, Rochelle teaches individuals, families, and professional and community groups, about death-related care. In her work as a crisis-care RN, she supports families immediately following the sudden death of a loved one in ER.


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Mortality Awareness