Bringing an idea to life takes many hands, purpose, commitment, and a ton of patience. We’re proud to stand at the forefront of the death literacy movement, doing our part to help educate and inspire an aging-well society long before the end. What we do is inspired by the amazing work of so many other creators, topic experts, early adopters and visionaries. It was these change agents as well as all those who filled the seats that we show our gratitude. Thank you for helping the Dying To Know Film Festival take flight.
In gratitude!
Filmmakers: Wendy Roderweiss, Ondi Timoner, Carolyn Jones, Orion Pahl, Aman Ali, Helen Whitney, Broderick Fox, Martyna Starosta, Christine Herbes, Fritz Schumann, Christine Turner | Panelists: Mario Garrett PhD, Alison Anthoine Esq, Mike Alvarez PhD, Wendy Corn, William Turner CSFP, Barbara Sarah LCSW, Laurie Schwartz, Matthew Kochmann, Corinne Carey Compassion & Choices | Supporters: Pam Kray, Rachel Weiss, Matthew Vonesh, Myrna Gardner, Victoria Harrison, Robin and Steven Grenell, Arthur Forney, David Gonzalez, Rosemary Newhardt, Andrea Peyser, Mona Klapper, Peter Cunningham, Ellen Pataro, Marcia Kline & Gerri Dibenedetto, Jeff Goldberg, Peter Gelwarg, Jed Beitler, Devorah Medwin, Kitt Potter, Karen McGee, Becky Verduccio, Sheila Gould, Ulster County Women’s Network, Circle of Friends for the Dying, Bread Alone, Ulster Federal Savings, Greenville Drive-In, Rosendale Theatre.
Open Call for Submissions
We’re seeking filmmakers, creators, topic experts, performers and volunteers for our next Dying To Know Film Festival. Please use this form to introduce yourself!

Bevival founder and festival producer Caren Martineau; moderator, Prof. Mario Garrett; Wendy Roderweiss. filmmaker; Barbara Sarah and Laurie Schwartz, Circle Home Co-Founders

Prof. Garrett, Circle Home co-founders Barbara Sarah and Laurie Schwartz, filmmaker Wendy Roderweiss Stopping for Death

Dr. Garrett with filmmaker Caroline Jones, Defining Hope

Filmmaker Wendy Corn, Exit Strategies and William Turner, next-gen Funeral Director

Alison Anthoine, Esq., EOL Navigator and Prof. Mike Alvarez, PhD

Filmmaker Aman Ali, Two Gods

Totally retro-cool viewing

Appreciative attendees

Local libraries supporting death literacy awareness