Explore the emotional, cultural, and practical aspects of life with stories filled with wonder, compassion and wisdom.
A Manifesto
Stephen Jenkinson challenges modern culture’s avoidance of death, advocating for embracing mortality to fully live. He stresses rituals, interconnectedness, and leaving meaningful stories for future generations.
Catherine Panebianco's series No Memory is Ever Alone transforms old slides into a living memory. Tiny Inventions' animated short Negative Space explores the emotional bond between father and son.
Home Stretch
Patricia Hampl reflects on the joys of aging in her New York Times essay, embracing the "third stage" of life. She finds that real life, beyond effort and accomplishment, reveals itself in simplicity and ease.
Her Palette
H.M. Leona's memoir You Are Where I Am reflects her resilience, exploring themes of love, loss, forgiveness, and redemption. Her story offers a soothing, impactful message for the world today.
Muertes es Vida
In The Migration, filmmaker Ali Alvarez sets out to document the Monarch butterfly migration, discovering its connection to the Day of the Dead and its symbolic relationship with death, love, and remembrance.
Telling Jokes
Terminally ill patients use gallows humor to regain control and challenge death's power. By joking, they assert their participation in life, offering insight into the importance of palliative care in easing suffering.
Jason Silva explores life's impermanence in his "Shots of Awe" video, drawing on the wisdom of Rilke, Freud, and Dylan Thomas, urging us to embrace change and fight against entropy.
Once Taboo
Jessie Williams, founder of Australia's Groundswell Project, advocates for a death-literate society where grief, loss, and dying are shared community experiences, focusing on compassion and connection.
Her Shroud
Teju Cole reflects on the death of his grandmother, Mama, in Nigeria, using photographs to grasp her loss. A photo of her in a funeral shroud evokes deep emotion, highlighting the power of memory and mourning.
I Remember
In "We Remember," Wendy Saul reflects on the deaths of her parents, describing the emotions and routines of caregiving, grief, and the bittersweetness of their passing, balancing sadness with gratitude.
What to Wear
In What to Wear, Leah Garchik reflects on the significance of clothing in life and death. She recounts choosing outfits for her parents’ burials, honoring their unique styles and the desire to be remembered.
Sacred Death
Sacred Death revisits a tale from Emile Zola’s The Sinful Priest, where Albine, heartbroken by a priest’s abandonment, orchestrates her tragic death by suffocating herself in flowers, an artistic homage to her sorrow.
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